Dumbbells is a light-hearted buddy comedy set amongst a group of misfit employees that work in a struggling fitness center in the Los Angeles area. Reminiscent in tone to such hit independent films as Waiting, Swingers and Clerks, Dumbbells will appeal to a wide audience.
The movie focuses on Chris Long, a washed up college hoop star turned trainer, who’s plagued by bitterness from past misfortunes. Having once had plans for a lucrative NBA career and “the easy life,” Chris’ now finds himself in an existence that lacks purpose and direction. The story takes a turn when new owner, Jack Guy, a shallow Hollywood type, arrives on the scene. Armed with “big ideas,” (and plenty of his own secrets) Jack unleashes a plan to turn the gym into a reality show. Conflict arises when Chris and most of the staff resist Jack’s “ideas” at all costs. Mayhem ensues and nothing goes as planned, but in the process, Chris and Jack forge an unexpected friendship. Now a team, Chris and Jack assist each other in facing their demons from the past, and as a result, they’re able to lead the group down a path towards fulfilling all of their dreams.
Character: Rachel Corelli
Combining brains and beauty Rachel truly is the whole package. Originally from upstate California she migrated south to go to law school at USC. However, she soon realized studying people’s minds was her true passion and she switched to psychotherapy to become a therapist. Also an athlete, Rachel was captain of her gymnastics team in high school as well as a volleyball player and swimmer. A big advocate of charity and giving back to the community Rachel volunteers her time by mentoring underprivileged kids on the weekend. In her free time she loves to go on hikes, grab dinner with friends and is a sucker for a good Rom-Com. Rachel is pretty much every man’s dream woman, and then some.